
Research Contact
Research Group Lead Teacher
Dr. Dina Ellsworth
Research at High Tech remains an integral part of the student experience. In their underclassmen years, students take required research courses before deciding whether they would like to pursue further research as upperclassmen. Throughout their endeavors, students are mentored by our supportive faculty and given access to all of the resources High Tech has to offer.
The school's latest expansion in 2003 gave us our beautiful research wing complete with conference room space and a research lab. On any given day, the lab is full of students running and observing experiments - a bit chaotic, but full of energy and excitement. Students can also use a wide range of instruments, ranging from various types of sensors to solar cells to microscopes. Regardless of what experiment they end up conducting, students are given all the tools they need to succeed.
Required Research

Introduction to Research
Introduction to Research is a freshman year course that serves as students' first foray into the world of research. Students are guided through the process of choosing a question to explore and designing an experiment to test a chosen hypothesis. At the conclusion of the course, freshmen submit a formal research proposal detailing how they intend to conduct their experiment as sophomores. Throughout this course, students develop problem-solving, decision-making and inquiry skills by formulating usable questions and hypotheses and planning experiments.
Data Analysis
Data Analysis is a freshman year course that provides students with a solid understanding of the statistics behind formal experimentation. Students will integrate mathematics as a tool for problem-solving in science. They will learn how to use Excel to conduct major statistical tests used in research including t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA tests, and others. Students will apply these data analysis skills when conducting research.
Research Practicum
Research Practicum is a sophomore year course that marks the final chapter of required research at High Tech. For an entire semester, students are given time to meet with faculty mentors, conduct their experiments, and statistically analyze their results. Students then write a conclusive research paper, integrating their work from both freshman and sophomore years. Approximately 50% of the class then goes on to compete in various research competitions (please see Competitions for further information). In addition to research and data analysis skills, students will develop skills in communication, punctuality, time management, organization, decision making, resource allocation, ethical competition, and safety.
Independent Research

Although there are no formal research classes offered following sophomore year, there are still many opportunities for students to engage in research. About 15% of upperclassmen chose to continue conducting research outside of class for no credit in their junior and senior years. In some cases, these upperclassmen conduct continuations or extensions of their sophomore projects while others choose to create entirely new experiments. Students are able to work either individually or in groups in various locations, including the student's home, High Tech's research lab, or external university facilities.
Many of these students then go on to compete in various different research competitions (please see below). Others find that they simply enjoy research and are interested in gaining experience in laboratories before going to college.
There are also several grant programs that offer monetary reimbursement for student expenses related to their experiments. High Tech's own Parent Faculty Association (PFA) generously offers to match costs for students who apply to their grant program.
HTHS students have historically had excellent showings at research competitions on the local, regional, national, and international levels. Each year, a significant portion of the HTHS student body participates in competitions including:
New Jersey Academy of Science (NJAS)
American Junior Academy of Science (AJAS)
New Jersey Northern Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (NJNJSHS)
New Jersey Southern Junior Science & Humanities Symposium (NJNJSHS)
Jersey Shore Science Fair (JSSF)
Delaware Valley Science Fair (DVSF)
Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS)